Future Of Class...

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The future of classroom is a topic that is often discussed among educators. There are many ways in which classrooms can be improved and made more efficient for students. One of the most important aspects of the future of classroom is the use of technology.

Technology has been an integral part of education since its inception, but it has always been limited to what was available at that time. Nowadays, there are many new technologies and innovations that can be used in classrooms to improve both efficiency and student learning outcomes.

Classroom setups in the future will be completely different from what we are familiar with currently. Classrooms have been transformed from a row of desks and chalkboards to SMART boards where an emphasis on highlighting and crowd engagement is noted. This change has been brought about by the advent of technology. Smart classrooms use interactive surfaces for learning because it engages learners intuitively and increases retention

of content due to which students spend more time on educational task

1. Future classrooms will focus more on design components like storytelling, augmented reality, virtual reality.

2. It is possible–even likely–that tomorrow’s classrooms will include dynamic layouts, furniture that transforms based on need, projections that command attention, seating arrangements that promote group dynamics, makerspaces with 3D printers, robotic equipment and VR hand

There are no easy answers when it comes to predicting the future of a classroom because every student’s experience is different. One thing this writer can say with certainty, however, is that classrooms will always need teachers–effective teachers–to help students reach their highest potential in literacy, numeracy and many other subjects.

A future of classroom has not been discussed on a broader scale to this point. But future classes will possess the provision for interactivity and virtual reality.

There is no existing research that has attempted to provide any detailed conversation about what “the future of classroom” means, but we can take some educated guesses. In the classroom we may see AI collaborating with humans to create an environment where technology is used to enhance learning outcomes.